Shiraz - Tasmanian Syrah & Shiraz
Winery : Various
MIXED SIX contains 1 each of the listed wines
Tasmania's second red wine grape is shaping up to be shiraz, but think France rather than South Australia as the style measure. Nick Glaetzer got the ball rolling with a Jimmy Watson Trophy win for his 2010 Mon Pere Shiraz (made from Tamar and Coal V fruit), which became an instant house-hold name among wine lovers nationally.
2021 Glen Ayr Shiraz | Coal River Valley
2022 Quiet Mutiny Syrah | Derwent Valley
2022 Norfolk Bay Syrah | Tasman Peninsula
2022 Hughes & Hughes Syrah | Coal River & Tamar Valleys
2022 Gala Estate Emerald Syrah | East Coast
2023 Milton Syrah | East Coast